Laundrette Service Chiang Mai?

laundry-chiang-maiLaundrette service Chiang Mai options are 10 a penny. You can find a laundry service on virtually every street corner.
Don’t be fooled into thinking all laundries are created equal, any laundry will do!

There is a reason there are so many laundry services,  that reason is easy money.

The growth of tourism, means  having a laundry is a way to make quick money for a season or two.

You can set up a laundry  at low cost, with no experience. As tourists are only here for a few days, many operators are not  focused on quality or repeat custom.

Whilst many laundries advertise low prices and quick service, these 2 terms  quickly become irrelevant if your laundry comes back  ruined!

EM’s Laundry Service – Quality Guaranteed:

Em’s Laundry staff have been providing laundry services to  hotels, residents and tourists for more than 15 years.

We are a family business with a reputation to protect.

We pride ourselves in being laundry experts and take great care to return your clothes the cleanest they can be.

Top loading and front loading washing machines are used so we can choose which will be gentler on particular fabrics. Less likely to stretch clothing.

We take care to follow the washing & drying instructions as far as is possible. We iron if requested and finally fold and return the laundry neatly packaged.

Our Laundry Service in Chiang Mai is probably not the cheapest option in town, but we provide the best, most convenient service.

With a guarantee of quality at a fair and very competitive price, Ems Laundry  is the choice for those who care.

Give us a call today and let us take the stress out of getting your laundry done, while you enjoy our beautiful city.